Guide to our "Adopt a Chick" Program

Ordering is available immediately for our 2020 Hatching Season.

During our hatching season, we are also offering a new program we call "Adopt a Chick".

In the event that we have more chicks hatch than customers have ordered, they will go into Adopt a Chick to be adopted by other people that would like to have them ABSOLUTELY FREE.

When you sign up for Adopt a Chick, your name will be placed on a list of people who would like to be contacted when chicks become available for adoption.  You are not obligated to take any of the available chicks when you are contacted.  If you do want to adopt them, you will be given an appointment within 24 hours to pick them up at the farm.  If you fail to pick them up, they will be offered to another person waiting on the Adopt a Chick list.

By signing up for Adopt a Chick, you are not obligated to take any chicks and you can choose to be removed from the list at any time.

Your information will never be sold or shared.  It is kept on farm and used solely for the purpose of contacting you for our Adopt a Chick program.

Please be aware of the needs of day old chicks before signing up for Adopt a Chick.  Chicks can easily die if they aren't given proper care.  Please refer to our blog for posts regarding chick and chicken care and feel free to contact us if you have any questions about caring for day old chicks or if you have questions about Adopt a Chick.

Signing up for Adopt a Chick does not mean you are guaranteed to receive free chicks.  It means that, in the event that we have chicks that need to be adopted, you may be contacted and given the opportunity to adopt them.

Adopt a Chick is for our pet lines only.  Our show lines will not be available through Adopt a Chick.

For our 2020 hatching season, we will have Buff Orpington and Easter Egger chicks that will be eligible for Adopt a Chick if we have extra chicks in those varieties that need to be adopted.

To sign up for Adopt a Chick:

Please send your name, email address, and phone number to us on our Facebook page at or email it to and let us know that you would like to sign up for Adopt a Chick.  Please include any experience you have had with raising chickens or if you will be a brand new chicken owner.  Your experience will not exclude you from getting chicks through Adopt a Chick.  This information just lets us know whether or not you could use some extra help in getting started with your new chicks or if you are already experienced.

Also, when you contact us, please let us know how you heard about us.

There is no deadline to sign up for Adopt a Chick.  You can sign up anytime and you can choose to be removed at any time.

Thank you for your support!
